Consulting, Coaching, Technical Assistance and Evaluation
Inclusive Education Consulting, Coaching and Technical Assistance
Patrick is often asked to help schools become more inclusive in their service delivery approaches. He is able to assess the current status of a school system, recommend a best practice action plan and deliver a customized combination of services based on the needs of the school system. He initially provides training and information about inclusive education practices including planning, teaching and assessment. Next, he follows up in individual classrooms with observation, a written plan and coaching to assist with progression of services and promoting successful inclusive education service delivery. Results are documented and Patrick continues to provide next steps to teachers and leaders in becoming more effective inclusive education facilitators and providers in the areas of planning, teaching and assessment.
Co-Teaching Consulting, Coaching and Technical Assistance
Co-Teaching has become a popular and successful researched service delivery tool to enhance student performance. Patrick initially provides training to teachers on co-teaching definitions, collaboration, planning, models, teaching practices and assessment for two days. Next, Patrick becomes the consultant and co-teaching coach to the individuals he has trained. Typically he visits quarterly and provides a written report about what is working for students, ideas and next steps. This training and coaching process assists co-teachers becoming adept with all the co-teaching models and successful practices in planning, teaching and assessment, greatly adding to their support strategies for all learners. A symposium day for teams may be scheduled at the end of the school year to share accomplishments, needs and next steps.
Transformational Inclusive Schools Leadership Consulting, Coaching and Technical Assistance
For school districts that are seeking a shift from costly separate education programs to progressive inclusive education services, Patrick provides transformational leadership consulting, coaching and technical assistance. The areas worked upon include student services, special education, disadvantaged and bilingual education. He is successfully able to work with school policies and guides constituents using a process that involves restructuring. Areas addressed include instruction, learning, positive behavior supports, common core standards and safety. Further services involve the creation of district committees, building committees, study groups and professional development to guide the change process.
Positive Behavior Supports Evaluation
With the goal of creating a learner-centered, positive behavior supports plan, Patrick provides a meaningful process in which he directly works with the student/self-advocate’s team. The process involves observation of the individual and conducting a meaningful assessment that examines what the individual is communicating through his or her actions. Areas examined include student interests, environmental variables, communication variables, choice and control variables, teaching variables, sensory variables and physiological variables. Patrick uses a variety of meaningful student-centered assessment questions that zero-in on the current situation and needs of the student. He also provides input from an independent evaluator viewpoint to provide helpful and meaningful resources for the team. From there, Patrick works with the team to create a positive behavior supports action plan that assists the team to support the learner into a better status for positive, prosocial behavior and learning.
Transition Evaluation
Students make a variety of transitions during their educational career. The ultimate transition for a student in school is going from school to post-school services. Patrick is able to work with transition teams to create a meaningful student-centered transition plan that embodies best and promising practices. Areas include student interests, student and family preferences, roles and responsibilities of team members, educational dreams, job and career dreams, living arrangement dreams, community dreams and recreational dreams. Patrick also assesses community presence, relationships and ongoing longitudinal transition supports. The information leads to a meaningful student-centered process for the team to create a desired future lifestyle action plan with goal targets, responsibilities and timelines. This process can be applied to adult self-advocates who desire a better quality of life situation.
Independent Evaluation
Patrick provides independent evaluation services for schools, families and human service agencies. An independent evaluation typically comprises a full-day observation of the individual, a written report and a feedback meeting to share information. Areas of an independent evaluation include:
- Student or Self-Advocate Description and Attributes
- Personnel and Services
- Class Schedule or Daily Schedule
- Areas for Discussion
- Student Interest Areas
- Observed Activities in Classes and Schedule
- What’s Working for the Individual and Affirmations
- Recommendations for Each Observed Area
- Tools, Strategies and Resources
- General Recommendations
- Concluding Remarks
Evaluation areas and constructs may be individually created and negotiated based on the purpose and needs.
Idea Observation
An idea observation is typically less formal than an independent evaluation and involves idea sharing for taking next steps in providing effective quality services. As with an independent evaluation, an idea evaluation could be provided for schools, families and human service agencies. An idea evaluation could take place over a full-day or part of a day. Areas of an idea observation include:
- Purpose of Observation
- Introduction
- Observation Commentary
- Areas that are Currently Working
- Ideas that Would Enhance the Current Situation
- Recommended Steps
Observation areas and constructs may be individually created and negotiated based on the purpose and needs.