Dr. Patrick Schwarz is a dynamic and engaging professor, author, motivational speaker and leader in Education and Educational Leadership for all students. He is the President of Creative Culture Consulting LLC and Professor Emeritus at National Louis University, Chicago. He is the author of From Disability to Possibility®, You're Welcome, Just Give Him the Whale, Pedro's Whale and From Possibility to Success. His amazing colleague, Dr. Paula Kluth, co-authored three of his books. Patrick has presented, consulted and coached in school districts all across the world, impacting a significant number of schools with his progressive work. Patrick's professional mission is to promote education and human services that advance the status of people of all ages with diverse support needs. This will enable individuals to be successfully engaged, find meaning and be respected members of their learning, working and living communities.
Patrick’s current professional vita is below:
Patrick Schwarz, Ph.D.
CEO, Creative Culture Consulting, LLC
Professor Emeritus, Diversity in Learning and Teaching Department
National Louis University, Chicago
Degree: Ph.D.
Institution: University of Wisconsin, Madison
Field: Special Education, Educational Leadership
Professional Mission
My professional mission is to promote education and human services that advance the status of people of all ages with diverse support needs. This will enable individuals to successfully be engaged, find meaning and be respected members of their learning, working and living communities.
Current Courses Taught
- Differentiated and Individualized Curriculum and Instruction
- Collaborative and Consultative Teaming and Teaching
- Social Emotional Supports
- Individualized Curriculum and Instruction
- Introduction to Students with Special Education Needs
- Inclusive Education Workshops
- Universal Design and Differentiation Workshops
- Collaboration and Co-Teaching Workshops
- Positive Behavior Supports Workshops
- Transition Workshops
Selected Publications
Schwarz, P. (2023). Creating Truly Inclusive Schools: Transform Old Thinking into New Practice. Book Manuscript Submitted for Publication.
Schwarz, P. (2021). Lou Brown: The Man Behind the Legend. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities. 46 (4).
Schwarz, P. (2021). Successful Inclusive Education Film Series. Florida: ATC.
Film One: Introduction to Inclusive Education
Film Two: Inclusion Planning, Teaching and Assessment
Film Three: Effective Co-Teaching
Film Four: Supporting Students with Their Passions and Interests & Social Relationships
Film Five: Collaboration and Systems Change in an Inclusive Education Model
Kluth, P. and Schwarz, P. (2018). Pedro's Whale. Translated, Reformatted and Republished. China: Huaxia Publishing House.
Schwarz, P. (2017). Parallels in Time: A Place to Learn. Creation and Revision of Online Curriculum Courses. St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Governor's Council On Developmental Disabilities.
Kluth, P. and Schwarz, P. (2017). Just Give Him the Whale! 20 Ways to Use Fascinations, Areas of Expertise, and Strengths to Support Students with Autism. Translated, Reformatted and Republished. China: Huaxia Publishing House.
Schwarz, P. and Kluth, P. (2014). You're Welcome. Reformatted and Republished. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann
Schwarz, P. (2013). From Possibility to Success: Achieving Positive Student Outcomes in Inclusive Classrooms. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Kluth, P. & Schwarz, P. (2010). Pedro’s Whale. (Children's Book). Baltimore: Brookes.
Kluth, P. and Schwarz, P. (2008). Just Give Him the Whale! 20 Ways to Use Fascinations, Areas of Expertise, and Strengths to Support Students with Autism. Baltimore: Brookes.
Schwarz, P. and Kluth, P. (August, 2007). You’re Welcome: Promoting Peaceful Schools Through Positive Behavior Supports. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Schwarz, P. and Kluth, P. (August, 2007). You’re Welcome: Collaboration. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Schwarz, P. and Kluth, P. (August, 2007). You’re Welcome: Differentiated Instruction. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Schwarz, P. (February, 2007). Special Education: A Service, Not a Sentence. In: Educational Leadership: Alexandria, Virginia.
Schwarz, P. (2006). From Disability to Possibility®: The Power of Inclusive Classrooms. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Selected Presentations
- Keynote and Presentations, Illinois State Early Choices Inclusion Conference
- Transformative Planning, Illinois Star Net
- Keynote and Presentation, Missouri DD Council
- Keynote and Presentation, Minnesota Governor's Council on Disabilities
- District Workshops, Wyoming Fremont County Schools
- Keynote, Missouri Juvenile Justice Association
- Keynote and Presentation, Rutgers University
- Keynote and Presentation, Florida CARD Autism Conference
- Keynote and Presentation, Down Syndrome Association of Jacksonville
- Keynote and Presentations, Walled Lake School District, Michigan
- Keynote and Presentation, Region 1 Texas
- Keynote and Sessions, Missouri DD Council
- Presentation, National PEAK Conference
- Presentations, New Hampshire Institute on Disability
- Featured Presentations, Illinois Superintendents Conference
- Presentations and Coaching, Wyoming Department of Education for Riverton
- Visioning Facilitation, Illinois Star Net
- District Inclusive Education Evaluation, Woodridge, Illinois
- Partners in Policymaking National Featured Sessions: Minnesota, New Hampshire, Delaware, South Dakota, North Dakota, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, West Virginia and New Jersey
- Keynote, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Keynote and Presentation, Spokane Public Schools
- Keynote and Presentation, Texas Early Childhood Conference
- Keynote and Presentation, South Dakota Transition Conference
- Keynote and Session, Washington Pubic Schools
- Keynote and Sessions, Star Net
- Keynote, COPAA National Conference, Baltimore, Maryland
- Keynote and Presentation, International PEAK Conference, Denver, Colorado
- Keynote, National Inclusive Practices Conference, Houston, Texas
- Keynote and Sessions, Cleveland Public Schools
- Keynote, Sessions and Systems Change Coaching: State of Illinois: Franklin Park, Orland Park, Palatine, North Berwyn, Wilmette, Elmwood Park
- Workshops and Systems Change Coaching. Wyoming State Department of Education: Riverton
- Workshops and Systems Change Coaching, Wyoming State Department of Education: Glenrock
Selected Personal Interests
- Musician
- Architecture
- Health/Wellness