Katie Heinz and Haley Heinz, nieces and inspirations for From Disability to Possibility®
Katie Heinz and Haley Heinz are Dr. Patrick Schwarz’s nieces whose moving stories about their experiences with disability are told in his first book, From Disability to Possibility® : The Power of Inclusive Classrooms. Katie and Haley gave Patrick the inspiration for the term “people with possibilities” and for the model possibility studies, which uses real life stories of people with disabilities to educate, inform and enlighten the field. In this model, attributes and possibilities of the individual are sought, examined and reviewed to plan for and work towards improving quality of life at school, at home and in the community.

Justin Canha, artist for the cover of Just Give Him the Whale & Pedro's Whale
Justin Canha is an extremely talented artist. Justin is also a teenage gentleman with autism as an attribute. That Justin’s artwork graces Patrick’s books (written with co-author, Dr. Paula Kluth) Pedro’s Whale and Just Give Him the Whale! 20 Ways to Use Fascinations, Areas of Expertise and Strengths to Support Students with Autism is an honor to Patrick and Paula. Justin’s artwork has been featured at art exhibits in New York and New Jersey and has been published in “Oprah Magazine.” In addition, Justin is featured in two documentaries: “Autism, a Different Way of Communicating” and “Sidecars.” Justin’s website is justincanha.com

Andrew Wesson, disability advocate and innovative technology user
Andrew Wesson is a wonderful friend of Patrick Schwarz whose story is told in From Disability to Possibility®: The Power of Inclusive Classrooms. Andrew promotes capacity for people with possibilities through his own innovative use of a dynavox communication system. Examples include programming and reading stories to preschool children at a Montessori pre-school, phone reception work and making advocacy speeches, all with innovative, alternative communication. Andrew teaches everyone he meets about possibility at events such as ballgames, concerts and conferences.

Tanita Tikaram, singer, songwriter and friend
Tanita Tikaram is a very talented musical artist and Patrick's favorite singer. Her voice is one-of-a-kind and her songs are melodic, unique and striking. She has recorded songs from a very early age, having completed nine albums, and a "best of" her musical work released. Her wonderful new album is called, Closer to the People.. Tanita is a valued friend. Her commitment to songwriting and creating beautiful musical pieces have truly served as a model for Patrick's writing. In short, Tanita Tikaram has undisputed artistic integrity. Her website is www.tanita-tikaram.com and her facebook page is www.facebook.com/tanitatikaramofficial

Natacha Horn, multi-media artist, director and friend
Natacha is an innovative multi media artist and multi media director. She brings an energy and passion to her work unlike any other. Her multi media includes web design, film direction, photography, painting, drawing and other various forms of expression. She inspires Patrick daily with her artistic endeavors and social networking. As recent friends, Patrick and Natacha connected instantly and strive to express social justice and humanity in a meaningful and moving manner. Natacha is unique, interesting and unforgettable. Her website is www.natachahorn.com and her Facebook page is www.facebook.com/pages/Natacha-Horn-Multi-Media-Artist/118795041474739?fref=ts

Dr. Paula Kluth, speaker, co-author, advocate and esteemed colleague
Dr. Paula Kluth is an exceptional speaker, author, advocate and esteemed colleague. Paula is a leader in the areas of inclusive education, universal design and differentiated instruction. It is a sincere and true honor for Patrick to have co-authored three books with Paula, You’re Welcome: 30 Innovative Ideas For The Inclusive Classroom, Just Give Him the Whale! 20 Ways to Use Fascinations, Areas of Expertise, Strengths to Support Students with Autism, and Pedro’s Whale. At one time in educational history, Patrick was the person who told Paula “you’re going to love this kid“ about a student she was about to teach. You’re Going to Love This Kid! became a best-selling book for Paula. Paula has authored many more excellent publications, which you may find on her website at www.paulakluth.com

Dr Alice Udvari-Solner, consultant, speaker, author and esteemed colleague
Dr. Alice Udvari-Solner is a brilliant consultant, speaker, author and esteemed colleague. Patrick had the honor of teaching with Alice in both public schools and at the university level. Alice holds an appointment at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Alice’s areas of expertise include accommodating diverse learners in general education settings, universal design, differentiated instruction and curricular adaptations, and Alice has created landmark publications in all of these areas. Alice’s recent book, co-authored with Dr. Paula Kluth, entitled Joyful Learning: Active and Collaborative Learning in Inclusive Classrooms, may be found at www.amazon.com

Dr. Harvey “Smokey” Daniels, editor, author and esteemed colleague
Dr. Harvey “Smokey” Daniels is an outstanding editor, author and esteemed colleague. Harvey is an international pioneer and leader in the areas of literacy education, literacy circles and student book clubs and has written multiple books in these areas in addition to content-area reading, content-area writing and best practice standards for teaching and learning. Harvey served as editor for two of Patrick’s books through Heinemann Books: From Disability to Possibility®: The Power of Inclusive Classrooms and You’re Welcome: 30 Innovative Ideas for the Inclusive Classrooms (co-authored by Dr. Paula Kluth). Harvey’s landmark book, Best Practice, Third Edition: Today’s Standards for Teaching and Learning in America’s Schools, (which may be found at www.amazon.com, co-authored by Dr. Steven Zemelman and Dr. Art Hyde) was a significant reference for Patrick’s book From Disability to Possibility®: The Power of Inclusive Classrooms.

Dr. Jacqueline Thousand, professor, author and esteemed colleague
Dr. Jacqueline Thousand is a gifted professor, author and esteemed colleague. Jacqueline is a true pioneer in the area of inclusive education. Jacqueline’s landmark work about inclusive education, Homecoming Model for Education, was highly meaningful and exceptionally useful to Patrick. Jacqueline is not only is a highly regarded and prolific author about inclusive education, but also a promoter of systems change in schools across the country. Patrick, with co-author Denise Bettenhausen, wrote a chapter which was edited by Jacqueline entitled You Can Teach and Old Dog New Tricks in Jacqueline’s book entitled Restructuring for Caring and Effective Education: Piecing the Puzzle Together (co-edited by Richard Villa). Jacqueline is a Professor in the College of Education for California State University, San Marcos.

William B. Levy, Esq., collaborator for Creative Culture Consulting LLC
William B. Levy, Esq., a principal with the law firm Rhoades Levy Law Group P.C. (www.rhoadeslevylaw.com), is an incredibly wise, knowledgeable and innovative collaborator for Creative Culture Consulting LLC. Bill has served the Company very effectively in a multitude of ways including providing legal, tax and business counsel, reviewing and editing the Company’s website and drafting and negotiating contracts. Bill and his children, Daniel and Rebecca, have also involved Patrick in real-life situations and scenarios with people who have possibilities helping Patrick to shape and strengthen his own viewpoints and further his own experiences in school, community and workplace settings.
Patrick also wishes to thank Dr. Lou Brown, Dr. Anne Donnellan, Dr. Richard Villa, Dr. Kurt Schneider, Dr. Alison Ford, Dr. Pat Rogan, Dr. Pat Mirenda, Betsy Shiraga, Kim Kessler, Dr. Jennifer York Barr, Dr. Jan Nisbet, Dr. Mark Sweet and his own family for being wonderful teachers and inspirations. Patrick also wishes to thank all of the students, self-advocates, teachers, families, leaders, school districts, educational professionals and personnel he has worked with for their ongoing wisdom and inspiration.